全国营 。这个营我差一点就没去了。还记得,打给珈杏学姐告诉她我不想去。我听到了她对我失望的声音。她对我已经毫无办法了。但在她对我失望的同时,她没放弃我。与她半个小时的谈话,她改变了我的心态,也改写了我的学记生涯。参加了学记全国营,我的心结被打开了。学记在我生命里的定义也换了。
培训营,我才第一次投入筹办活动。我回到我学记生涯领导我的同届麾下,也进入同一个组。我和依盈= 场地组。哈哈!筹办的过程中,我开始觉得内疚。之前的营,我根本没有为同届付出过。筹办的过程中,我也体验到学记之情,也更体会什么是奉献。培训营里,我找回了我所失去的回忆。看到学弟学妹被培训,想起了自己在被培训时是多幸福。哈哈!培训营结束后,我也卸任了。其实一点都不觉得什么,因为我的学记之心来的迟。一切都好像才开始。我的学记之路开始了新的旅程。
For the pleasure of your ears =)
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
Keeping my fingers crossed
To be honest,I have never think of what impact it will bring to me when I've got myself at the top. The moment I reached the top,I just felt relieved because it had taken me so long to get there and I'm happy and proud of myself.
But nonetheless,the road is not end yet and there's still a long way to go. And thanks to my friends' reminder,I knew I might be on the verge of being too cocky and stumble upon myself. Things tend to happen like this. When you reach the top,you are bound to fall. I've encountered this situation before and I knew exactly what's the feeling when you fall from graces.
No doubt that there will be additional pressure on myself to maintain the exact same level I've reached. I knew well it's no easy thing to maintain it,let alone improve it. And I knew well the reason I've able to reach that level is solely my hard work and perhaps lady luck being by my side that time,not because I'm at the same level with them.
I just have this gutty feelings that there will be people watching my progress. And when I fell short,there will be some sort of cheering monster inside the person's heart. Can't avoid this. No matter who you are,there will always people who dislike you.
Well,I can only keep my fingers crossed and hope I don't stumble upon pressure since I have a tendency to crack out of pressure. Let's pray for myself that what is goin to happen in 2011 won't be running too far from what had happened in 2010.
LTC,prove to yourself that you can succeed upon pressure. =)
But nonetheless,the road is not end yet and there's still a long way to go. And thanks to my friends' reminder,I knew I might be on the verge of being too cocky and stumble upon myself. Things tend to happen like this. When you reach the top,you are bound to fall. I've encountered this situation before and I knew exactly what's the feeling when you fall from graces.
No doubt that there will be additional pressure on myself to maintain the exact same level I've reached. I knew well it's no easy thing to maintain it,let alone improve it. And I knew well the reason I've able to reach that level is solely my hard work and perhaps lady luck being by my side that time,not because I'm at the same level with them.
I just have this gutty feelings that there will be people watching my progress. And when I fell short,there will be some sort of cheering monster inside the person's heart. Can't avoid this. No matter who you are,there will always people who dislike you.
Well,I can only keep my fingers crossed and hope I don't stumble upon pressure since I have a tendency to crack out of pressure. Let's pray for myself that what is goin to happen in 2011 won't be running too far from what had happened in 2010.
LTC,prove to yourself that you can succeed upon pressure. =)
Friday, November 26, 2010
Persistent or Persistence?
When I reflected all my previous post starting of this year, I began to wonder whether am I a persistent person or a person with persistence? I actually can't differentiate both words and went to checked out the dictationary to find out its meaning. I guess now I have some clue about its meanings.
Persistent...I guess this words always tag along with me whenever people talked about my personality. In fact everyone will very much agree with this. I am persistent,too persistent indeed. I quarrel with my non-chinese educated chinese friends because of my persistent personality. I can't suit myself in 4A early of the year because I'm very persistent that my classmates aren't the type of classmates which I could accept.
When I began to grow up(mentally) and became mature,I realised sometimes in certain case,being too persistent aint good at all. Being too persistent is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but never get you anywhere. Literally,it gives me something to argue for but never win me any arguement. I'm very persistent in the view that chinese people should indeed learn BC or continue to learn BC. I'm very persistent about changing class early this year because I don't think I can fit into 4A. But when I became more mature and think more open,being too persistent on these two example get me nowhere. My persistent din influence others' thinking about the issue of chinese people learning chinese. My persistent din help me to settle quick into 4A and have a happy form 4 life early of this year.
In the end,I came to realise that I can't be that persistent because it gets me nowhere. But I guess persistence is one of my personality. Persistent and persistence is kind of synonyms. But it's not. It's the way how I think that made the difference between persistent and persistence. As I said,persistence is one of my personality. For me,being persistence means you believe in certain things that it's one of your belief. People said I might be too stress and concern about studies. They said studies aint everything. They said I should become more active in other things except studies. But for me,I still believe as a teenager and student,studies is everything. I studied hard. I believe studies give me a better future. I believe studies give me self-confidence so on and so forth. I don't care about people saying my life is dull because of studies,studies and studies. You see,persistence is my personality. And this persistence benefits me. I got good results because I worked for it. And I'm happy with it.
Perhaps in certain things people might feel I'm too persistent. But for me it's not persistent,but persistence. Well,in a nutshell,I guess being able to think more maturely help me to stay out of the persistent track. But persistence is the material that make up my track. And this persistence provides a platform for me to certain success. I'm just born as a person with persistence. And that's me,TC. =)
p.s. gosh I can't believe that when I think,there is something to blog about. But perhaps during school days all I could think of is studies and studies. That's y I dunno what to blog. Erm...is this persistent or persistence? haha...xD
Persistent...I guess this words always tag along with me whenever people talked about my personality. In fact everyone will very much agree with this. I am persistent,too persistent indeed. I quarrel with my non-chinese educated chinese friends because of my persistent personality. I can't suit myself in 4A early of the year because I'm very persistent that my classmates aren't the type of classmates which I could accept.
When I began to grow up(mentally) and became mature,I realised sometimes in certain case,being too persistent aint good at all. Being too persistent is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but never get you anywhere. Literally,it gives me something to argue for but never win me any arguement. I'm very persistent in the view that chinese people should indeed learn BC or continue to learn BC. I'm very persistent about changing class early this year because I don't think I can fit into 4A. But when I became more mature and think more open,being too persistent on these two example get me nowhere. My persistent din influence others' thinking about the issue of chinese people learning chinese. My persistent din help me to settle quick into 4A and have a happy form 4 life early of this year.
In the end,I came to realise that I can't be that persistent because it gets me nowhere. But I guess persistence is one of my personality. Persistent and persistence is kind of synonyms. But it's not. It's the way how I think that made the difference between persistent and persistence. As I said,persistence is one of my personality. For me,being persistence means you believe in certain things that it's one of your belief. People said I might be too stress and concern about studies. They said studies aint everything. They said I should become more active in other things except studies. But for me,I still believe as a teenager and student,studies is everything. I studied hard. I believe studies give me a better future. I believe studies give me self-confidence so on and so forth. I don't care about people saying my life is dull because of studies,studies and studies. You see,persistence is my personality. And this persistence benefits me. I got good results because I worked for it. And I'm happy with it.
Perhaps in certain things people might feel I'm too persistent. But for me it's not persistent,but persistence. Well,in a nutshell,I guess being able to think more maturely help me to stay out of the persistent track. But persistence is the material that make up my track. And this persistence provides a platform for me to certain success. I'm just born as a person with persistence. And that's me,TC. =)
p.s. gosh I can't believe that when I think,there is something to blog about. But perhaps during school days all I could think of is studies and studies. That's y I dunno what to blog. Erm...is this persistent or persistence? haha...xD
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Confidence = Arrogance?
You must be wondering where the heck I found inspiration to blog as I always said I dunno what to blog whenever someone asked me to update. Well you see, I came across an interesting conversation with a relatively not-so-closed-friend,let's put him/her as T. T said...erm...let's put this 2 person as G and L,who said I'm arrogant. Well,first thing came into my mind is ARH...I got something to blog about adi. And now,here's my update after so long.
Arrogance...to be honest I had basically put this topic aside long time ago. I thought probably I'd changed long time ago from an arrogant person to being a more humble person. Well,it seems that from the conversation I had with T,I found out there are still people who put me as an arrogant person. I'm not pissed off or anything beh song about people's comments about my personality. Everyone had their rights to comment about this. I wrote this update just to share my view of myself as an arrogant person in which G and L put as.
When I heard from T that G and L said I'm arrogant, of course first thing is I felt a bit errr...how to put tis...hurt? when I heard such comments by these two persons,in which one of them is one of my closest my friend. I began to wonder in what sense had I been arrogant lately. Then the first answer came into my mind is my recent final school examination results. The only thing that I feel I could be arrogant. To be honest,I really dunno in which other way people will feel that I'm arrogant at besides studies.
I guess I don't need to elaborate on my results since this post is written for my frens in which I think they will already got to know about my results. (I don't want people to think I'm showing off here about my results...I DIN MEAN THAT WAY!!! ==) Regarding about my results,of course I'm very much happy for myself. I guess some can noticed how cheerful I am when I'm talking. I just wonder is it because of this hapiness on my face,some people felt that I'm arrogant. First of all,I dun think I have go around everywhere telling others that I got a good results bla bla bla...like I scare no one know about my results. Second,ya I might be too excited when talking about exam results. Please do forgive me if my excitement has caused some of you to think I'm showing off and being arrogant.
As I said before,I always love to get good results because it gives me self-confidence. There's no doubt getting such a great results this time shot my self-confidence sky high. I dunno what's your view on studies and exam. But my personal view is that studies and exam give me a sense of confidence and a sense of respect from my friends in which I couldn't find it anywhere else from myself besides studies and exam. This is mainly because I knew I'm nothing good besides studies and exam. I'm bad-tempered. I'm not such good in sports like our Joshua Lee. My mouth also no need to talk adi. Well,mayb some of my frenz like Sue Fen and Sook Yi will agree that I'm more mature than last time. Guess this one is one of my pro? xD
I can't never deny that I am indeed an arrogant person...very arrogant last time. Let's give one example here. I remembered during last year sports days,I'm so confident until arrogant that I think I could take 4-5 events. One event,which is the 100m run,I'm so desperate to participate in because I think I can perform and get medal for this event. Well,there's a short story to tell here. One day,Desmond challenged me to run 100m with him. Ya,nth much to say because he won me,by kind of a big margin. AND I failed to even win a medal for this event. Well,this story taught me a lesson that even though I might be very confident in something,I need to control my confidence to a certain level in which it won't exceed the arrogance limits.
p.s. I can't believe I actually tell this story. IT'S SO EMBARASSING!!! =.="
Well,to be honest personally I had learned from this lesson. Even though I'm good in something,I have to be humble. Likewise,I'm good in studies and I really really learn to be humble. If you don't think I had become humble,at least I do feel I'm not that arrogant as last time gua?
Let's come into this question: is my confidence equal to arrogance? I can't really answer this question because everyone has a different definition of my confidence. Some may think I'm just being confident,some may think my confidence has exceed the limits in which it is equal to arrogance. What I can say is I don't hide my confidence. I won't be too humble until I shaked off my confidence. I show it. And if it makes me feel good about myself,I'm fine with the way I show my confidence to people because I don't think I'm being arrogant. I mean you see...when you are not confident,people encourage you to be confident of yourself. When you are confident,people said you are arrogant. LOLS
In a nutshell,I'm just being myself and confidence is part of me and something that I wanted. If in any way,I'm becoming too arrogant,please tell,remind and advice me. A person improved because of advises from his friends. Same goes to me. =)
Arrogance...to be honest I had basically put this topic aside long time ago. I thought probably I'd changed long time ago from an arrogant person to being a more humble person. Well,it seems that from the conversation I had with T,I found out there are still people who put me as an arrogant person. I'm not pissed off or anything beh song about people's comments about my personality. Everyone had their rights to comment about this. I wrote this update just to share my view of myself as an arrogant person in which G and L put as.
When I heard from T that G and L said I'm arrogant, of course first thing is I felt a bit errr...how to put tis...hurt? when I heard such comments by these two persons,in which one of them is one of my closest my friend. I began to wonder in what sense had I been arrogant lately. Then the first answer came into my mind is my recent final school examination results. The only thing that I feel I could be arrogant. To be honest,I really dunno in which other way people will feel that I'm arrogant at besides studies.
I guess I don't need to elaborate on my results since this post is written for my frens in which I think they will already got to know about my results. (I don't want people to think I'm showing off here about my results...I DIN MEAN THAT WAY!!! ==) Regarding about my results,of course I'm very much happy for myself. I guess some can noticed how cheerful I am when I'm talking. I just wonder is it because of this hapiness on my face,some people felt that I'm arrogant. First of all,I dun think I have go around everywhere telling others that I got a good results bla bla bla...like I scare no one know about my results. Second,ya I might be too excited when talking about exam results. Please do forgive me if my excitement has caused some of you to think I'm showing off and being arrogant.
As I said before,I always love to get good results because it gives me self-confidence. There's no doubt getting such a great results this time shot my self-confidence sky high. I dunno what's your view on studies and exam. But my personal view is that studies and exam give me a sense of confidence and a sense of respect from my friends in which I couldn't find it anywhere else from myself besides studies and exam. This is mainly because I knew I'm nothing good besides studies and exam. I'm bad-tempered. I'm not such good in sports like our Joshua Lee. My mouth also no need to talk adi. Well,mayb some of my frenz like Sue Fen and Sook Yi will agree that I'm more mature than last time. Guess this one is one of my pro? xD
I can't never deny that I am indeed an arrogant person...very arrogant last time. Let's give one example here. I remembered during last year sports days,I'm so confident until arrogant that I think I could take 4-5 events. One event,which is the 100m run,I'm so desperate to participate in because I think I can perform and get medal for this event. Well,there's a short story to tell here. One day,Desmond challenged me to run 100m with him. Ya,nth much to say because he won me,by kind of a big margin. AND I failed to even win a medal for this event. Well,this story taught me a lesson that even though I might be very confident in something,I need to control my confidence to a certain level in which it won't exceed the arrogance limits.
p.s. I can't believe I actually tell this story. IT'S SO EMBARASSING!!! =.="
Well,to be honest personally I had learned from this lesson. Even though I'm good in something,I have to be humble. Likewise,I'm good in studies and I really really learn to be humble. If you don't think I had become humble,at least I do feel I'm not that arrogant as last time gua?
Let's come into this question: is my confidence equal to arrogance? I can't really answer this question because everyone has a different definition of my confidence. Some may think I'm just being confident,some may think my confidence has exceed the limits in which it is equal to arrogance. What I can say is I don't hide my confidence. I won't be too humble until I shaked off my confidence. I show it. And if it makes me feel good about myself,I'm fine with the way I show my confidence to people because I don't think I'm being arrogant. I mean you see...when you are not confident,people encourage you to be confident of yourself. When you are confident,people said you are arrogant. LOLS
In a nutshell,I'm just being myself and confidence is part of me and something that I wanted. If in any way,I'm becoming too arrogant,please tell,remind and advice me. A person improved because of advises from his friends. Same goes to me. =)
Monday, October 25, 2010
I will never ever forget the fact that you turned me into a more mature monkey.
Tiong Chin says:
all i know is i want to change class
·$#808080⌠ ice•xgz ⌡ ·$#C595FF♥ ·$#C0C0C0Silentz. says:
well just hoping when someone walk across the corridor will bother to look down his short friend and say hi.
you know, people are forgetful sometimes.
Tiong Chin says:
i would never forget the fact tat u n sue fen turned me into a mature monkey
·$#808080⌠ ice•xgz ⌡ ·$#C595FF♥ ·$#C0C0C0Silentz. says:
ah, we know you love us, in a non-monkey friendly way.
Tiong Chin says:
sincerely appreciated the friendship
·$#808080⌠ ice•xgz ⌡ ·$#C595FF♥ ·$#C0C0C0Silentz. says:
well, and fyi.
I don't know whether you feel in that way or not.
Don't feel bad like ditching us for wanting changing class.
we all know ming yang is sort of your soulmate in a non-gay way
we kinda talked about it last time.
Tiong Chin says:
seriously i understand the meaning for being appreciate
like even i study in a class i dun like,thr's a good thing being in this class as u n sue fen turned me into a better n mature guy
$#808080⌠ ice•xgz ⌡ ·$#C595FF♥ ·$#C0C0C0Silentz. says:
oh not exactly lah
you put in a lot effort.
serious, i bet everyone in the class see the obvious change.
we just point it out, but you are the one who carry out the whole thing.
take the credit yourself.
I thought perhaps my classmates would dislike me because I never actually able to accept 4A. But I was proved to be wrong. There is classmates who I considered as friends that really understand me. They never feel any thing bad about me because I want a class away from them which I think I would prefer. All those words above are seriously so warming.
You have been an understanding friends and I never ever forget the fact that it is you who turned me into a more mature monkey.
all i know is i want to change class
·$#808080⌠ ice•xgz ⌡ ·$#C595FF♥ ·$#C0C0C0Silentz. says:
well just hoping when someone walk across the corridor will bother to look down his short friend and say hi.
you know, people are forgetful sometimes.
Tiong Chin says:
i would never forget the fact tat u n sue fen turned me into a mature monkey
·$#808080⌠ ice•xgz ⌡ ·$#C595FF♥ ·$#C0C0C0Silentz. says:
ah, we know you love us, in a non-monkey friendly way.
Tiong Chin says:
sincerely appreciated the friendship
·$#808080⌠ ice•xgz ⌡ ·$#C595FF♥ ·$#C0C0C0Silentz. says:
well, and fyi.
I don't know whether you feel in that way or not.
Don't feel bad like ditching us for wanting changing class.
we all know ming yang is sort of your soulmate in a non-gay way
we kinda talked about it last time.
Tiong Chin says:
seriously i understand the meaning for being appreciate
like even i study in a class i dun like,thr's a good thing being in this class as u n sue fen turned me into a better n mature guy
$#808080⌠ ice•xgz ⌡ ·$#C595FF♥ ·$#C0C0C0Silentz. says:
oh not exactly lah
you put in a lot effort.
serious, i bet everyone in the class see the obvious change.
we just point it out, but you are the one who carry out the whole thing.
take the credit yourself.
I thought perhaps my classmates would dislike me because I never actually able to accept 4A. But I was proved to be wrong. There is classmates who I considered as friends that really understand me. They never feel any thing bad about me because I want a class away from them which I think I would prefer. All those words above are seriously so warming.
You have been an understanding friends and I never ever forget the fact that it is you who turned me into a more mature monkey.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Everything went wrong today
SO,I'm back to blogger. Miss me? Or you're bored with my blog already coz it's rarely updated? Well,I don't care. =P
SO,ya. Back to boring topic. Let's talk about my final exam part I...yeah everything I had in my mind is studies,studies n more studies. Bored with this topic? I don't care. =P
SO,everything went TOTALLY WRONG today. I screw my physics paper 2 and chemistry paper 2,two of the subjects that I always can score at least an A-,but I guess no more for this exam? Everything just went wrong today. My brain wire all wrongly fixed. I can't answer both papers well. I just couldn't think at all for both papers today. Guess lacking of sleep contribute to this.
SO,a lot of people think I'm talking crap. Well,I don't crap for my studies. If I think that I can score well for exam,I will show my confidence. As for those two papers,seriously I think I did badly and I've got no confidence at all,which means I think I can't score well for those two papers.
SO,ya I was disappointed for both papers today. No point to be too disappointed since it's already over. Well,at least I learned some lesson out of this:
TC is too old to stay up late and study for examinations by burning his midnight oil. So,TC need to study consistently and not being last mins for exam.
Ya. I just couldn't take it anymore staying up late. Perhaps I realised this earlier ago. But I never think that it may cost me in my exam. And yeah now that I've learned a lesson. Seriously I need to study consistently beginning from my preparation for final exam part II. Ya...still action speaks louder than words. I need to do it before I can really improve more on my consistency level on study.
Well,some ppl might think I'm those type who study consistently. Well,mayb it's true mayb not. I just think the way I study now hasn't really benefits me from achieving the best possible results. I still think I can improve. In a nutshell,there's still room for improvement in terms of my studies. BUT guess what I want to say?
Ya,I'm talking crap for this. But I enjoy exam is true,because I always love to get good results. It gaves me self-confidence. =D
SO,ya. Back to boring topic. Let's talk about my final exam part I...yeah everything I had in my mind is studies,studies n more studies. Bored with this topic? I don't care. =P
SO,everything went TOTALLY WRONG today. I screw my physics paper 2 and chemistry paper 2,two of the subjects that I always can score at least an A-,but I guess no more for this exam? Everything just went wrong today. My brain wire all wrongly fixed. I can't answer both papers well. I just couldn't think at all for both papers today. Guess lacking of sleep contribute to this.
SO,a lot of people think I'm talking crap. Well,I don't crap for my studies. If I think that I can score well for exam,I will show my confidence. As for those two papers,seriously I think I did badly and I've got no confidence at all,which means I think I can't score well for those two papers.
SO,ya I was disappointed for both papers today. No point to be too disappointed since it's already over. Well,at least I learned some lesson out of this:
TC is too old to stay up late and study for examinations by burning his midnight oil. So,TC need to study consistently and not being last mins for exam.
Ya. I just couldn't take it anymore staying up late. Perhaps I realised this earlier ago. But I never think that it may cost me in my exam. And yeah now that I've learned a lesson. Seriously I need to study consistently beginning from my preparation for final exam part II. Ya...still action speaks louder than words. I need to do it before I can really improve more on my consistency level on study.
Well,some ppl might think I'm those type who study consistently. Well,mayb it's true mayb not. I just think the way I study now hasn't really benefits me from achieving the best possible results. I still think I can improve. In a nutshell,there's still room for improvement in terms of my studies. BUT guess what I want to say?
Ya,I'm talking crap for this. But I enjoy exam is true,because I always love to get good results. It gaves me self-confidence. =D
Friday, October 1, 2010
(焦赖讯)现代学子大多数认为美术是一个不重要的科目,对于这科目缺乏学习热忱。为了改变学生对美术的观点,本校校长罗艾妮连同美术主任哈米米在本校Dataran Bestari举办了口与脚美术活动,希望学生们能用心去体会这与众不同的艺术。
为了举办此口与脚美术活动,本校荣幸邀请到本地残障画家阿丽亚(Alia binti Talib)到本校献艺。阿丽亚,今年二十三岁,是我国Mouth & Foot Painting Artist的一名画家。阿丽亚天生残障,自幼便没有双臂。没有了双臂对一个人来说是非常难接受的事实,但阿丽亚却不因自己残障而无法面对生活。阿丽亚七岁时因个人对美术的兴趣便自己学习绘画。由于没有双臂,阿丽亚便以自己的脚学习绘画。以脚绘画岂能是一件简单的事情,但阿丽亚凭着自己坚强的意志及对美术的兴趣,用脚为自己的生命画出一片天空,以美术美化自己的人生。为了使自己能够赚钱生活,阿丽亚便参加美术课程,并拥有美术文凭。她的美术作品因Mouth & Foot Painting
Monday, August 23, 2010
Money can buy house, but cannot buy family.
Money can buy clock, but cannot buy time.
Money can buy health service, but cannot buy health.
Money can buy status, but cannot buy dignity.
Money can buy sex, but cannot buy love.
Money can buy clock, but cannot buy time.
Money can buy health service, but cannot buy health.
Money can buy status, but cannot buy dignity.
Money can buy sex, but cannot buy love.
Monday, August 16, 2010
It's all gone
I still remember what Amanda's mum told me once upon a time:
Open up your vision of the world and your life will be a whole lot different.
Well,when her mum told me that time,I wasn't really bother to understand what it actually means. Perhaps the little-bit-matured-TC can understand what it's about now.
It seems near impossible to relate that quotes to my life. As many people may know,I dedicated my life to studies. Reason? I think being good in studies will bring me friends and respect from them. It's childish to think that way. Well,right till now I'm still childish to think that way. Getting good results bring me a sense of honour. It makes me feel good about myself.
Ya it's true. So what being good in studies? It doesn't guarantee you a good life when you step into the society to work. To make me look more childish,it doesn't guarantee you friends and respect from them as well. Mayb it does,but without a good personality,even getting a good results doesn't guarantee respect from others.
I ought to agree with those people saying my life is dull...very dull indeed. There's people giving the "you're a nuts" look as I always study. Even Sook Yi's words kept appearing in my mind now: You're abnormal.
I miss out a lot of things in my teenage years. I'm nothing good besides study. I don't know how to play music instrument. I don't know how to swim(I know know breatstroke). I doesn't achieven anything besides study in my life so far.
When I was a primary students,I wasn't that kind of student which always study. My life during primary was so wasted. I regreted it so much. It's all my fault. Not showing interest in everything around me. Up to secondary,I'm pretty much the same person during form one. But when it came to form two,I changed. All I ever think in my life is study,study and study. And this thinking grew even stronger during form three. PMR. I put a lot of pressure on myself wanting to achieve straight As in PMR. Study like a mad bull dog and getting those 8As. Perhaps it doesn't feel great at all in achieving this. I mean,no offence to others. I dare to say I put in a whole lot more of effort than many people. And what it turnt out was even though those people put lesser effort than me they also achieve the same as what I achieved. And you see,these people enjoy their form three life a whole lot more than me while I was trying my very best to achieve straight As for PMR during my form three life.
Sigh,I wished so much I have enjoy my life before this a whole lot more better than what I did. Well,when you're in form four,that chance won't happen that frequently. The time for childhood fun is nearly over. SPM...a platform for you to enter the labour world and earn a living. Can I told myself it's still early during form four and I still can enjoy before SPM? It would be stupid to think like that now. Form 4 is not a honeymoon year. I agreed with teachers. I must work hard to have a good base to survive during form 5 and SPM.
It's all gone. The chance to have a fun childhood. So much regretted. Mayb that's just me. A person who dunno enjoy the world and my life.
Last but not least to say,I would cherish every moment that I could have fun now and later in my remaining secondary life. Althought I might not be able to change from a student who thinks study is everything to a teenager who thinks enjoying life is also important,I really hope my remaining teenage life can be eventful and fun.
Open up your vision of the world and your life will be a whole lot different.
Well,when her mum told me that time,I wasn't really bother to understand what it actually means. Perhaps the little-bit-matured-TC can understand what it's about now.
It seems near impossible to relate that quotes to my life. As many people may know,I dedicated my life to studies. Reason? I think being good in studies will bring me friends and respect from them. It's childish to think that way. Well,right till now I'm still childish to think that way. Getting good results bring me a sense of honour. It makes me feel good about myself.
Ya it's true. So what being good in studies? It doesn't guarantee you a good life when you step into the society to work. To make me look more childish,it doesn't guarantee you friends and respect from them as well. Mayb it does,but without a good personality,even getting a good results doesn't guarantee respect from others.
I ought to agree with those people saying my life is dull...very dull indeed. There's people giving the "you're a nuts" look as I always study. Even Sook Yi's words kept appearing in my mind now: You're abnormal.
I miss out a lot of things in my teenage years. I'm nothing good besides study. I don't know how to play music instrument. I don't know how to swim(I know know breatstroke). I doesn't achieven anything besides study in my life so far.
When I was a primary students,I wasn't that kind of student which always study. My life during primary was so wasted. I regreted it so much. It's all my fault. Not showing interest in everything around me. Up to secondary,I'm pretty much the same person during form one. But when it came to form two,I changed. All I ever think in my life is study,study and study. And this thinking grew even stronger during form three. PMR. I put a lot of pressure on myself wanting to achieve straight As in PMR. Study like a mad bull dog and getting those 8As. Perhaps it doesn't feel great at all in achieving this. I mean,no offence to others. I dare to say I put in a whole lot more of effort than many people. And what it turnt out was even though those people put lesser effort than me they also achieve the same as what I achieved. And you see,these people enjoy their form three life a whole lot more than me while I was trying my very best to achieve straight As for PMR during my form three life.
Sigh,I wished so much I have enjoy my life before this a whole lot more better than what I did. Well,when you're in form four,that chance won't happen that frequently. The time for childhood fun is nearly over. SPM...a platform for you to enter the labour world and earn a living. Can I told myself it's still early during form four and I still can enjoy before SPM? It would be stupid to think like that now. Form 4 is not a honeymoon year. I agreed with teachers. I must work hard to have a good base to survive during form 5 and SPM.
It's all gone. The chance to have a fun childhood. So much regretted. Mayb that's just me. A person who dunno enjoy the world and my life.
Last but not least to say,I would cherish every moment that I could have fun now and later in my remaining secondary life. Althought I might not be able to change from a student who thinks study is everything to a teenager who thinks enjoying life is also important,I really hope my remaining teenage life can be eventful and fun.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Seeing you is a blessings
Your pleasant looks
Your sweet smile
How could I not fall for you
Asking myself not to fall for you
Even when my heart is telling otherwise
The struggle within my heart
Is pretty hard to take
Knowing it doesn't make sense
To be sinking in this feeling
I knew I got to look forward to my life
I got to move on
Your pleasant looks
Your sweet smile
How could I not fall for you
Asking myself not to fall for you
Even when my heart is telling otherwise
The struggle within my heart
Is pretty hard to take
Knowing it doesn't make sense
To be sinking in this feeling
I knew I got to look forward to my life
I got to move on
Sunday, July 11, 2010
“皇帝”詹姆斯(“King” James)決定加盟邁阿密熱火,這也讓今夏的大牌爭奪戰畫上了最終的句號,得到詹姆斯的熱火自不必說,高層、球迷一片歡騰。
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
(Random) I love this song...=)
誰 改變了我的世界
沒有方向 沒有日夜
我看著天 這一刻在想你
是否會 對我一樣思念
你 曾說我們有一個夢
等到哪天 我們來實現
我望著天 在心中默默唸
下一秒 你出現在眼前
想念的新 裝滿的都是你
我的鋼琴 彈奏的都是你
我的日記 寫滿的都是你的名
才發現 又另一個黎明
誰 改變了我的世界
沒有方向 沒有日夜
我看著天 這一刻在想你
是否會 對我一樣思念
你 曾說我們有一個夢
等到哪天 我們來實現
我望著天 在心中默默唸
下一秒 你出現在眼前
想念的新 裝滿的都是你
我的鋼琴 彈奏的都是你
我的日記 寫滿的都是你的名
才發現 又另一個黎明
想念的新 裝滿的都是你
我的鋼琴 彈奏的都是你
我的日記 寫滿的都是你的名
才發現 又另一個黎明
我的日記 寫滿的都是你的名
才發現 又是一個黎明
這是我 對你愛的累積
誰 改變了我的世界
沒有方向 沒有日夜
我看著天 這一刻在想你
是否會 對我一樣思念
你 曾說我們有一個夢
等到哪天 我們來實現
我望著天 在心中默默唸
下一秒 你出現在眼前
想念的新 裝滿的都是你
我的鋼琴 彈奏的都是你
我的日記 寫滿的都是你的名
才發現 又另一個黎明
誰 改變了我的世界
沒有方向 沒有日夜
我看著天 這一刻在想你
是否會 對我一樣思念
你 曾說我們有一個夢
等到哪天 我們來實現
我望著天 在心中默默唸
下一秒 你出現在眼前
想念的新 裝滿的都是你
我的鋼琴 彈奏的都是你
我的日記 寫滿的都是你的名
才發現 又另一個黎明
想念的新 裝滿的都是你
我的鋼琴 彈奏的都是你
我的日記 寫滿的都是你的名
才發現 又另一個黎明
我的日記 寫滿的都是你的名
才發現 又是一個黎明
這是我 對你愛的累積
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Something new ? :P
Seriously , its such a relief not to read your blog in blue.
I mean physically blueee :)
And it actually makes me feel blue too D:
But nevermind , there's something new here :P
Skies are blue. ;)
Pinafores are striking blue.
But I'm not buee . :P
Still , I know your favorite colour is B-L-U-E.
I mean physically blueee :)
And it actually makes me feel blue too D:
But nevermind , there's something new here :P
Skies are blue. ;)
Pinafores are striking blue.
But I'm not buee . :P
Still , I know your favorite colour is B-L-U-E.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Waiting for love =)
Before I start to type my post,an apology to my friend for not updating so long. Well,I updated now because I found the urge to blog. Very hard to find you know? xD
Let's stop the bullshit and begin my post: (how to begin...thinking)
After such a long time ignoring my feelings for her as I knew well I couldn't possibly further develop my feelings for her for my own good,I still found that only she could capture my heart. The feelings she gave me is just different from other girl. =) The feeling of having a crush on a girl. I tried to find this feeling somewhere else from some other girl,but I can't find it. Everytime during tuition when she walked into the class,my heart will felt nervous. That kind of feeling is what I think I'm having a crush on her.
But I guess the time will come when I had another chance to have another relationship, maybe a different girl that time. Although probably and very likely that I will not have that in my current time as I'm facing form 4,form 5 and then SPM. I won't hide what I feel inside my heart,no I'm not desperate for relationship,but I am indeed waiting for it to circulate around my life again. =)
Let's stop the bullshit and begin my post: (how to begin...thinking)
After such a long time ignoring my feelings for her as I knew well I couldn't possibly further develop my feelings for her for my own good,I still found that only she could capture my heart. The feelings she gave me is just different from other girl. =) The feeling of having a crush on a girl. I tried to find this feeling somewhere else from some other girl,but I can't find it. Everytime during tuition when she walked into the class,my heart will felt nervous. That kind of feeling is what I think I'm having a crush on her.
But I guess the time will come when I had another chance to have another relationship, maybe a different girl that time. Although probably and very likely that I will not have that in my current time as I'm facing form 4,form 5 and then SPM. I won't hide what I feel inside my heart,no I'm not desperate for relationship,but I am indeed waiting for it to circulate around my life again. =)
Thursday, June 3, 2010
(L) Yang Bao Bei

She's very cute!!! MUAHAHAHA

Thursday, May 27, 2010
Loving 4A
Well,just a short update when I'm resting from playing with protons and electrons. LOLS
I guess I had finally managed to find a balance in my relationship with my old buddy and my new class. You see,I'm living in a class which almost full of girls,my class got only 6 guys. Not really comfortable in 4A at the start of this year because I've got some negative thoughts about my new class and I'm too reluctant to mix with new person instead of sticking with my old buddy. But I guess time is the solution for everything. I actually feel very much fresh mixing with person which I've never been in the same class with be4!!! HAHA...ya...I was just too stubborn on the matter of which I would very much prefer to be same class with my old buddy.
They are right. The problem is not whether they wan to mix with me or not,it's whether I want to mix with them or not. I'm finding it settled living in 4A. =)
BUT thr's bad being in 4A for me. Because Sook Yi and Sue Fen kept saying I'm to gay. WT TOOOT. It's all because of living in 4A which almost full of girls that caused me to become gaylish. YOUR GIRLS' FAULTS. LOLS xD
I guess I had finally managed to find a balance in my relationship with my old buddy and my new class. You see,I'm living in a class which almost full of girls,my class got only 6 guys. Not really comfortable in 4A at the start of this year because I've got some negative thoughts about my new class and I'm too reluctant to mix with new person instead of sticking with my old buddy. But I guess time is the solution for everything. I actually feel very much fresh mixing with person which I've never been in the same class with be4!!! HAHA...ya...I was just too stubborn on the matter of which I would very much prefer to be same class with my old buddy.
They are right. The problem is not whether they wan to mix with me or not,it's whether I want to mix with them or not. I'm finding it settled living in 4A. =)
BUT thr's bad being in 4A for me. Because Sook Yi and Sue Fen kept saying I'm to gay. WT TOOOT. It's all because of living in 4A which almost full of girls that caused me to become gaylish. YOUR GIRLS' FAULTS. LOLS xD
Monday, May 24, 2010
Forever in my heart
23 of May has passed.
2 years has officially over.
Everything that happened between us in this two years
I'll sealed it somewhere in my heart
Deep inside my heart
And never unseal it anymore
As this marks a new era between our friendship
2 years has officially over.
Everything that happened between us in this two years
I'll sealed it somewhere in my heart
Deep inside my heart
And never unseal it anymore
As this marks a new era between our friendship
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Never is never
I always told my fren never to say never,but sometimes you just have to eat back your words.
From 23.5.08 to 23.5.10,in just two years time,we had becomes from frenz to couple back to frenz.
We had went through a lot of things.
fall in love > giving up > got together > broke up > ignored > friends
Frenz > One-sided love from you > accepted your love and got together > broke up > ignored > frenz
From accidentally saw you in Jusco
Started to sms with you
Went through 10 May 2008 owing you a M & M chocolate for your birthday
Hurting you when I told Amanda that I felt annoying that you keep smsed me
Your confession to me,telling everything out to me
To we started to take one step further in our relationship
Went to eat together after koko for two weeks
Then you said you're giving up
To your 2009 birthday,listening to your piano playing,having a memorable b'day party not only to you but to myself
I started to accept ur love
Got together
Fall for you during Van's b'day party
Went to Leisure Mall for our only movie 17 again
Goin through 4 exams together
Losing my 1st kiss
Calling you almost every single nights talking like nobody business
Finished PMR together,days and nights with your accompany
Our relationship started to go downhill
Went to Genting together having our last sweet memories together
Broke up on Halloween
We started to go through this tough time
And FINALLY we became frenz back again,no more ill feelings to each other
We change each other
We cried for each other
We went through every single moment together,sweet and bitter,happy and sad
All in 2 years time
It's been a cycle,started 23 of May and ended on 23 of May. Although we never go far,I'm glad it back to square one.
I will never able to forget everything in this 2 years,never in my life.
23rd of May,we both made it memorable.
And for the last time,I loved you.
From 23.5.08 to 23.5.10,in just two years time,we had becomes from frenz to couple back to frenz.
We had went through a lot of things.
fall in love > giving up > got together > broke up > ignored > friends
Frenz > One-sided love from you > accepted your love and got together > broke up > ignored > frenz
From accidentally saw you in Jusco
Started to sms with you
Went through 10 May 2008 owing you a M & M chocolate for your birthday
Hurting you when I told Amanda that I felt annoying that you keep smsed me
Your confession to me,telling everything out to me
To we started to take one step further in our relationship
Went to eat together after koko for two weeks
Then you said you're giving up
To your 2009 birthday,listening to your piano playing,having a memorable b'day party not only to you but to myself
I started to accept ur love
Got together
Fall for you during Van's b'day party
Went to Leisure Mall for our only movie 17 again
Goin through 4 exams together
Losing my 1st kiss
Calling you almost every single nights talking like nobody business
Finished PMR together,days and nights with your accompany
Our relationship started to go downhill
Went to Genting together having our last sweet memories together
Broke up on Halloween
We started to go through this tough time
And FINALLY we became frenz back again,no more ill feelings to each other
We change each other
We cried for each other
We went through every single moment together,sweet and bitter,happy and sad
All in 2 years time
It's been a cycle,started 23 of May and ended on 23 of May. Although we never go far,I'm glad it back to square one.
I will never able to forget everything in this 2 years,never in my life.
23rd of May,we both made it memorable.
And for the last time,I loved you.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Short and Random
First of all,let me wish Leong Sue Fen HAPPY BIRTHDAY on my blog.
Gosh...she's onlining but I dun have the guts to talk to her.
Goin to school it's getting more and more meaningless.
No offence to Sook Yi but your post about Sue Fen's b'day is like so so to me only? But I think ur partner will appreciate it eh?
Class photo session 2day was good. Proudly to announce 4A guys post like James Bond 2day. xD
for me,James Bok...xD
Exam 7 days to go!!!
yup...exam 7 days to go...back to study...bye
Gosh...she's onlining but I dun have the guts to talk to her.
Goin to school it's getting more and more meaningless.
No offence to Sook Yi but your post about Sue Fen's b'day is like so so to me only? But I think ur partner will appreciate it eh?
Class photo session 2day was good. Proudly to announce 4A guys post like James Bond 2day. xD
for me,James Bok...xD
Exam 7 days to go!!!
yup...exam 7 days to go...back to study...bye
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
I realised when I think of studies it really freaks me out. The world feels so much wonderful whenever I just forgot about studies(in which pauline always ask me to) for a moment...ya...for a moment...when I'm going to bed. Guess probably it's because I don't feel nice with my class,so I guess it's no surprise that school and studies freak me out recently.
I also realised whenever I think of the fact that I lost my gang as my classmates,how suffering am I in almost every aspect in my life. Studies,friendship,human relationship and etc. Days passed without joys as I dun feel joyful with my current life. I had come to a conclusion the reason for all of these is because I lost the familiar faces in my life. How I wish I can just turn back in time,back to once wonderful time.
Ya,frankly I also realised if I keep talking about how unhappy is my life,people will be bored to read the same stories over and over again. And I would be emo again for stupid reason.
Let's talk about my suffering to strike a balance between co-curiculum and studies. I just dunno how to get a balance between both of that. I decided to go to the jamboree since it contains 17 koko marks but I need to pay a price for that. Jamboree starts 13 May to 15/16 May. And mid-term starts 17 May...which means I probably lost about 3 or 4 days chance to study for mid-term. And then comes another camp which the pengakap teachers asked me to join. The dunno-wat-lencana-ekspedisi-camp,which falls on 8 and 9 May. The teachers hope that I really can join the camp. It does bring me benefits as I can learn more thing and get more lencana for pengakap. But seriously,I'm already out of time to study for mid-term and I guess it's too late to do all those stuff now that I'm already 16 years old and facing a hectic SPM life. So,forgot about the camp on 8 to 9 May. Studies come 1st for me. lol
How proud am I to bring some new dimension for our school pengakap. One could imagine how sucky is our school pengakap be4 this year. People often ponteng or complain coming to pengakap is a waste of time. It's because our school pengakap is not active at all. Even the basic lencana exam our school also dun have. Feeling awkful for our school pengakap,I decided to give some suggestion to teacher that we start those exam this year. And I guess it started quite well. At least I guess pengakap aint that dull anymore with the introduction of those lencana exam. Hopefully,the pengakap member will be active with the activities that the AJK carry on.
Leaving the school matter,let me talk about the xue ji aka student reporter. Sorry to all the xue ge n xue jie but I still dun feel enjoy with the outdoor activities xue ji had. Mayb it's because of my studies or mayb it's because I'm not good at socialising or mayb becoz I dun feel good to get to know so many new frenz in my life in such a short time. But anyway,I will stay on no worry. AND! (it's kinda late to update about that) I got one of my article posted on the newspaper!!! Well,I really din think that will happen actually. Coz in order to get the xue ji certificate,one needs to send at least one article to xue ji guan huai and get two articles posted on the sin chew da du hui columm(simply spell). So I simply send one article to xue ji guan huai to start my interest in writing article for my xue ji. And it posted. YAY! lol...I wrote about Michael Schumacher. The theme is how he fare since rejoining F1.
To teenage's love problem. gosh,I feel I'm really stupid at how I treat my feeling to her. I actually scare of someone I think I like/get attracted to. She like a dark angel for me(so old style rite?). Dark symbolise I scare and angel symbolise that how pretty she is for me. And thx to my fren,I think she knew I like/get attracted to her,which makes me even scare/shy to see her. I just can't help it. It feels so awkful whenever I see her in tuition. Jeff said people happy to see hot chicks,but I scare to see pretty girl. How weird I am? =O
Let me see anything more to talk?...I guess tat's all I could talk. Guess this post will be enuf to satisfy my readers rite(ceh...talk like I had a big fan base on my blog only)?
Well,ming,I updated...PUAS!? haha
I also realised whenever I think of the fact that I lost my gang as my classmates,how suffering am I in almost every aspect in my life. Studies,friendship,human relationship and etc. Days passed without joys as I dun feel joyful with my current life. I had come to a conclusion the reason for all of these is because I lost the familiar faces in my life. How I wish I can just turn back in time,back to once wonderful time.
Ya,frankly I also realised if I keep talking about how unhappy is my life,people will be bored to read the same stories over and over again. And I would be emo again for stupid reason.
Let's talk about my suffering to strike a balance between co-curiculum and studies. I just dunno how to get a balance between both of that. I decided to go to the jamboree since it contains 17 koko marks but I need to pay a price for that. Jamboree starts 13 May to 15/16 May. And mid-term starts 17 May...which means I probably lost about 3 or 4 days chance to study for mid-term. And then comes another camp which the pengakap teachers asked me to join. The dunno-wat-lencana-ekspedisi-camp,which falls on 8 and 9 May. The teachers hope that I really can join the camp. It does bring me benefits as I can learn more thing and get more lencana for pengakap. But seriously,I'm already out of time to study for mid-term and I guess it's too late to do all those stuff now that I'm already 16 years old and facing a hectic SPM life. So,forgot about the camp on 8 to 9 May. Studies come 1st for me. lol
How proud am I to bring some new dimension for our school pengakap. One could imagine how sucky is our school pengakap be4 this year. People often ponteng or complain coming to pengakap is a waste of time. It's because our school pengakap is not active at all. Even the basic lencana exam our school also dun have. Feeling awkful for our school pengakap,I decided to give some suggestion to teacher that we start those exam this year. And I guess it started quite well. At least I guess pengakap aint that dull anymore with the introduction of those lencana exam. Hopefully,the pengakap member will be active with the activities that the AJK carry on.
Leaving the school matter,let me talk about the xue ji aka student reporter. Sorry to all the xue ge n xue jie but I still dun feel enjoy with the outdoor activities xue ji had. Mayb it's because of my studies or mayb it's because I'm not good at socialising or mayb becoz I dun feel good to get to know so many new frenz in my life in such a short time. But anyway,I will stay on no worry. AND! (it's kinda late to update about that) I got one of my article posted on the newspaper!!! Well,I really din think that will happen actually. Coz in order to get the xue ji certificate,one needs to send at least one article to xue ji guan huai and get two articles posted on the sin chew da du hui columm(simply spell). So I simply send one article to xue ji guan huai to start my interest in writing article for my xue ji. And it posted. YAY! lol...I wrote about Michael Schumacher. The theme is how he fare since rejoining F1.
To teenage's love problem. gosh,I feel I'm really stupid at how I treat my feeling to her. I actually scare of someone I think I like/get attracted to. She like a dark angel for me(so old style rite?). Dark symbolise I scare and angel symbolise that how pretty she is for me. And thx to my fren,I think she knew I like/get attracted to her,which makes me even scare/shy to see her. I just can't help it. It feels so awkful whenever I see her in tuition. Jeff said people happy to see hot chicks,but I scare to see pretty girl. How weird I am? =O
Let me see anything more to talk?...I guess tat's all I could talk. Guess this post will be enuf to satisfy my readers rite(ceh...talk like I had a big fan base on my blog only)?
Well,ming,I updated...PUAS!? haha
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Be sure simple really means simple
I realised more and more the need to live a simple life. Simple life leads to hapiness. It really does. As a city people,we don't feel happy because we always want more. We're greedy in our life that we don't have enough of the thing we want in our life. We use all of our time to chase for these things: money and success which a typical city person will want the most.
I'm born in the city and I'm no different compared to a typical city people. I'm kia shu(scare to lose) and it really stress me out. Like Ker Ikr said,she feels so stress sitting near me because I always have at least a book by my side to study. Me too having this feeling. But I guess I managed to turn this feeling into a sense of motivation to work hard in my studies,which I lost since last year. I don't wish to over-feel to compete with people but to use those hardworking people as a role model of mine and move along in this competitive city life.
I'm shocked when one person ask me do have I entertainment cause I seem so hardworking for her. Come on...it's nonsense to think that I studied 24/7 without any entertainment. =.= My life is a bit more complicated than just studying...yeah just a bit more. lol...do homework,onlining,watch sports,sleeping(afternoon nap)...and if got time of coz I will study. BUT you see,my life aint all about study and succeed in exam.
I mean of course studies remain the priority in my life. And I always feel good when I do well in exam. Aint it normal? Maybe I do put myself in so much pressure,but as long as I'm doing what I like,isn't it that's the simplest life of my own? Instead of joining that society,that activity etc making me busy to do the thing I feel I want to do the most,which is study.
People might say I'm crazy because my life is so dull. Well,Isn't it dull kinda related to simple?
Well,I admited there's a lot of bs up thr. Just to write something out for no apparent reason.
No matter what,life goes on.
Off to study bio =P
I'm born in the city and I'm no different compared to a typical city people. I'm kia shu(scare to lose) and it really stress me out. Like Ker Ikr said,she feels so stress sitting near me because I always have at least a book by my side to study. Me too having this feeling. But I guess I managed to turn this feeling into a sense of motivation to work hard in my studies,which I lost since last year. I don't wish to over-feel to compete with people but to use those hardworking people as a role model of mine and move along in this competitive city life.
I'm shocked when one person ask me do have I entertainment cause I seem so hardworking for her. Come on...it's nonsense to think that I studied 24/7 without any entertainment. =.= My life is a bit more complicated than just studying...yeah just a bit more. lol...do homework,onlining,watch sports,sleeping(afternoon nap)...and if got time of coz I will study. BUT you see,my life aint all about study and succeed in exam.
I mean of course studies remain the priority in my life. And I always feel good when I do well in exam. Aint it normal? Maybe I do put myself in so much pressure,but as long as I'm doing what I like,isn't it that's the simplest life of my own? Instead of joining that society,that activity etc making me busy to do the thing I feel I want to do the most,which is study.
People might say I'm crazy because my life is so dull. Well,Isn't it dull kinda related to simple?
Well,I admited there's a lot of bs up thr. Just to write something out for no apparent reason.
No matter what,life goes on.
Off to study bio =P
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Be patient
I felt so jealous seeing so many couples around. It just added more desperation in myself that I want a relationship as well...the desperation of wanting to be love by someone. Shitty hormone effect I guess.
But I guess what she said is true. Desperation for love will do you no good. Just have to bear with it and wait for the right time.
Once it strikes you,you might tag along with it
Well,kinda true from her. For me,
Once it strikes you,you WILL tag along with it.
This is so true....muahahaha!
p.s. sorry for taking ur quotes and modify one from it for myself...xD
But I guess what she said is true. Desperation for love will do you no good. Just have to bear with it and wait for the right time.
Once it strikes you,you might tag along with it
Well,kinda true from her. For me,
Once it strikes you,you WILL tag along with it.
This is so true....muahahaha!
p.s. sorry for taking ur quotes and modify one from it for myself...xD
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Yeah,basically I hate almost everything in my life now.
Hate people talk who like as if he/she is the best person in the world
Hate people who act so fake,one minute they can depreciate you,the other second they will be good with you
Hate people who shows no respect to teacher
Hate that I can't get what I want
Hate the fact I knew I would enjoy form 4's life very much IF only for the fact that my 3 best peeps is still with me
Hate the feeling that I don't feel move on in form 4's life with 4 Angsana
Hate that I lost the motivation to study because I lost my 3 best peeps
Hate that when I saw my 3 best peeps happily together in other class while I'm all alone in the class which I dislikes to live with
Hate the feeling that my 3 best peeps are like almost invinsible in my life
Hate that I don't enjoy living my life at all
Hate people talk who like as if he/she is the best person in the world
Hate people who act so fake,one minute they can depreciate you,the other second they will be good with you
Hate people who shows no respect to teacher
Hate that I can't get what I want
Hate the fact I knew I would enjoy form 4's life very much IF only for the fact that my 3 best peeps is still with me
Hate the feeling that I don't feel move on in form 4's life with 4 Angsana
Hate that I lost the motivation to study because I lost my 3 best peeps
Hate that when I saw my 3 best peeps happily together in other class while I'm all alone in the class which I dislikes to live with
Hate the feeling that my 3 best peeps are like almost invinsible in my life
Hate that I don't enjoy living my life at all
Sunday, April 4, 2010
What all these feelings mean?
2day I smiled to her and she grinned back me a smile. My heartbeat increased
2 weeks ago,she stand besides me around 10 minutes and I don't even dare to look at her.
Around 1 month ago,she sit besides me for 2 classes and I felt so empty.
In short,her presence makes me feel nervous/uncomfortable/excited.
What does all these feelings mean?
Jeff: I think you like or probably love her adi.
Well,I hope I like her just because she's too pretty for me.
p.s. Suffering from having the feeling of love to someone who is not even close to you. =(((
2 weeks ago,she stand besides me around 10 minutes and I don't even dare to look at her.
Around 1 month ago,she sit besides me for 2 classes and I felt so empty.
In short,her presence makes me feel nervous/uncomfortable/excited.
What does all these feelings mean?
Jeff: I think you like or probably love her adi.
Well,I hope I like her just because she's too pretty for me.
p.s. Suffering from having the feeling of love to someone who is not even close to you. =(((
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Sorry I'm wrong
I dunno what to say but after reading your post I understood n knew I'm wrong.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Mood's going on a roller coaster ride
I just feel it's so tough to manage my feeling nowadays. My mood just going on a roller coaster ride.
I guess I'm able to manage my feelings now better than early of the year. But it's so tired coz it's so tough.
I guess this is what people means by I'm going through and learning the part and parcel of growing up. lol
I guess I'm able to manage my feelings now better than early of the year. But it's so tired coz it's so tough.
I guess this is what people means by I'm going through and learning the part and parcel of growing up. lol
It's just frustrating
Mood swings. I just can't help it. I miss my old gang so much. It's just so frustrating to see some of my classmates have their own gang but I don't have.
Some people said it's my own fault that I don't choose to mix with my new classmates at the begining. Yes,it's my problem that I dun like to mix with some of my classmates. No offence here but when those ppl said it's my problem,I just want u all to know that u all are lucky to have ur own gang. U all are confident to say it's my problem that I dun mix with new ppl because you all dun feel the way I feel. All I want to say is I don't get the comfortable feeling from my new class that I had with my old gang. Not that I dun wan to mix with them. Just I don't feel comfortable like how I feel with my old gang.
But I'm glad that one particular classmate being neutral on my condition and concern about my feeling. That person is Sook Yi. I dunno whether you really did that anot but I just felt that. So,I guess I should say thank you to the good person? =D
Some people said it's my own fault that I don't choose to mix with my new classmates at the begining. Yes,it's my problem that I dun like to mix with some of my classmates. No offence here but when those ppl said it's my problem,I just want u all to know that u all are lucky to have ur own gang. U all are confident to say it's my problem that I dun mix with new ppl because you all dun feel the way I feel. All I want to say is I don't get the comfortable feeling from my new class that I had with my old gang. Not that I dun wan to mix with them. Just I don't feel comfortable like how I feel with my old gang.
But I'm glad that one particular classmate being neutral on my condition and concern about my feeling. That person is Sook Yi. I dunno whether you really did that anot but I just felt that. So,I guess I should say thank you to the good person? =D
Friday, March 26, 2010
Loving it
I always said that I don't like la la mui. But I guess I had like one la la girl. LOLS
ok...not those kua cheong type la la girl. But still for me she's la la.
Hey guys. Not to be mistaken. I'm not fallen in love with anyone. Like Sook Yi(1st time I mention her in my blog) said,I'm just wavy. And I enjoy it. LOLS
U see,loving someone who dun love me is kinda suffering.
So,I much more prefer to like MANY GIRLS. wtf...ahaha!
Some fren was like if i like someone,why dun i just tell them n try to date them?
well,my response will be: I'm not ready for any relationship.
p.s. i'm not flirty coz i dun flirt with girls.
p.s. i know tis one so random suddenly. just to remind u guys i'm not a flirty guy coz i dun have flirty blood running inside my blood.
OH! not to forget.
U see,Jeff said every guy must be horny.
ok...not those kua cheong type la la girl. But still for me she's la la.
Hey guys. Not to be mistaken. I'm not fallen in love with anyone. Like Sook Yi(1st time I mention her in my blog) said,I'm just wavy. And I enjoy it. LOLS
U see,loving someone who dun love me is kinda suffering.
So,I much more prefer to like MANY GIRLS. wtf...ahaha!
Some fren was like if i like someone,why dun i just tell them n try to date them?
well,my response will be: I'm not ready for any relationship.
p.s. i'm not flirty coz i dun flirt with girls.
p.s. i know tis one so random suddenly. just to remind u guys i'm not a flirty guy coz i dun have flirty blood running inside my blood.
OH! not to forget.
U see,Jeff said every guy must be horny.
Just touched
I think I had said these many times last time,regardless of whatever the situation is. But I guess there's a need for me to think it again...
I'm touched by your confession and THANK YOU AND SORRY FOR EVERYTHING.
I'm touched by your confession and THANK YOU AND SORRY FOR EVERYTHING.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Walking down the memory lane
All the joys and sorrows
I still remember deep inside my heart
How wonderful it was
All the happiness
I shall keep inside my heart
Together with the unhappy one
As this is what make the past wonderful
As time pass by
It's still that wonderful
Even when I'm unhappy
It brings a smile back to my face
All the joys and sorrows
I still remember deep inside my heart
How wonderful it was
All the happiness
I shall keep inside my heart
Together with the unhappy one
As this is what make the past wonderful
As time pass by
It's still that wonderful
Even when I'm unhappy
It brings a smile back to my face
I've always wanted to tell you
You gave me hapiness beyond belief
Say that you will be forever by my side
Let's just be together and watch time pass by
I just love you,loving you
With sorrow,with joy,with you even ordinary is meaningful
Sweet and comfortable,that kind of feeling is you
Together as time pass by
Please remember how much I love you
I place all my hapiness on your hands
Oh I just love you,loving you
I want us to be together
You gave me hapiness beyond belief
Say that you will be forever by my side
Let's just be together and watch time pass by
I just love you,loving you
With sorrow,with joy,with you even ordinary is meaningful
Sweet and comfortable,that kind of feeling is you
Together as time pass by
Please remember how much I love you
I place all my hapiness on your hands
Oh I just love you,loving you
I want us to be together
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Just unbelieveable
I just can't believe it myself. Everything had changed between us less than one year. I never ever expect what is happening between both of us now.
Reflecting the past,it's just hard to believe the past you and the current you are actually the same person. (still I can't believe it. =O)
You're just not the same person when I first met you anymore. =(((
Reflecting the past,it's just hard to believe the past you and the current you are actually the same person. (still I can't believe it. =O)
You're just not the same person when I first met you anymore. =(((
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Weird Dreams
Just woke up from a dream. Dream of slapping a female classmates of mine.
I did actually slapped a female classmates of mine during standard 6. And that girl is my best female frenz since kindergarden somemore. But she eventually forgive me on the day I slapped her itself and we remained good frenz till now.
I wonder will it happen to me and her if I really slap her???
I did actually slapped a female classmates of mine during standard 6. And that girl is my best female frenz since kindergarden somemore. But she eventually forgive me on the day I slapped her itself and we remained good frenz till now.
I wonder will it happen to me and her if I really slap her???
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
In The Past
I am all alone now
My life feels so empty without the familiar faces
Countless days
Together we have weathered the storms
Together we laughed like innocent children
Together we reached for our dreams
Now all of those things are dead and gone forever
Like shattered pieces of glass
Written by TC
Edited by Michelle
My life feels so empty without the familiar faces
Countless days
Together we have weathered the storms
Together we laughed like innocent children
Together we reached for our dreams
Now all of those things are dead and gone forever
Like shattered pieces of glass
Written by TC
Edited by Michelle
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Laughing more than focusing during class wth
SO(umass's shout wth)...2day we had our bio class. wasn't that jam-packed n donald has his time to make some joke.
So he was talking bout reproduction of amoeba sp. amoeba reproduce by binary bission under favourable conditions. those conditions are:
1) presence of food
2) presence of oxygen
3) high humidity
4) low temperature
5) neutral pH
6) low intensity of light
amoeba is an animal cell. same goes to human but human it's a complex organisms. continue reading i bet u will laugh like mad if u can imagine u're in the class.
1) human needs food to reproduce so sperm cells have energy to swim
2) human needs oxygen during sexual intercourse. (obviously)
3) high humidity...better still on the air-cond during sexual intercourse( 1st dirty jokes)
4) low temperature(almost same like 3)
5) neutral ph because sperm cell will die if it's not neutral
6) MOST IMPORTANT of all conditions...low intensity of light...boy switch off the light pls...
one guy switch off the light. then he said:
ahhh...just nice(imagine the classroom has low intensity of light)...suitable light intensity for sexual intercourse
wth i tell u guys...the whole class laugh like mad. this jokes above are so dirty that it create imagination in my mind(well i'm a hamsup fella wth).
thr's 1 more minor jokes here which also make me laugh:
donald: exchange of gas occurs in frog's skin because frog's skin is moisture which is suitable for diffusion of gases. u guys try to take a frog n wipe away its mucus on it's body. the frog will have problem carrying respiration. when the frog is suffering n goin to die,the frog will struggle n SHOWS MIDDLE FINGLE TO YOU.

see...frog really likes to show middle finger to ppl...Kurang ajar rite? AHAHAHAHA
So he was talking bout reproduction of amoeba sp. amoeba reproduce by binary bission under favourable conditions. those conditions are:
1) presence of food
2) presence of oxygen
3) high humidity
4) low temperature
5) neutral pH
6) low intensity of light
amoeba is an animal cell. same goes to human but human it's a complex organisms. continue reading i bet u will laugh like mad if u can imagine u're in the class.
1) human needs food to reproduce so sperm cells have energy to swim
2) human needs oxygen during sexual intercourse. (obviously)
3) high humidity...better still on the air-cond during sexual intercourse( 1st dirty jokes)
4) low temperature(almost same like 3)
5) neutral ph because sperm cell will die if it's not neutral
6) MOST IMPORTANT of all conditions...low intensity of light...boy switch off the light pls...
one guy switch off the light. then he said:
ahhh...just nice(imagine the classroom has low intensity of light)...suitable light intensity for sexual intercourse
wth i tell u guys...the whole class laugh like mad. this jokes above are so dirty that it create imagination in my mind(well i'm a hamsup fella wth).
thr's 1 more minor jokes here which also make me laugh:
donald: exchange of gas occurs in frog's skin because frog's skin is moisture which is suitable for diffusion of gases. u guys try to take a frog n wipe away its mucus on it's body. the frog will have problem carrying respiration. when the frog is suffering n goin to die,the frog will struggle n SHOWS MIDDLE FINGLE TO YOU.

see...frog really likes to show middle finger to ppl...Kurang ajar rite? AHAHAHAHA
Her presence makes my heart beat so fast
I had never been that close with her be4. Until today during sejarah class. Firstly,she asked my fren got seat on her right side anot and my fren replied no. So,she went to find other seat. Just the moment she wanted to walk away,she saw there's an empty seat on my left. She asked me got people sit anot. Suddenly I was like completely went blank. I couldn't speak out and I shaked my head to indicate to her no. And then she sit next to me. OMG
Din talk to her during the class. But heard her voice when her elbow accidentally knocked my hand. Her voice kinda cute. lols
Finish sejarah class. Off to M maths class. again she sit next to me. This time on my right. Have a little discussion with her bout some maths questions. I guess first time I talked to her. xD
Din talk to her during the class. But heard her voice when her elbow accidentally knocked my hand. Her voice kinda cute. lols
Finish sejarah class. Off to M maths class. again she sit next to me. This time on my right. Have a little discussion with her bout some maths questions. I guess first time I talked to her. xD
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Overcome yourself
I done my best
Although it's not good enough
But I overcome myself
Got no.4 for high jump. Not to be too disappointed with that because in the top 5 I'm the only form 4 guy. And I improved my personal best from 1.35m to 1.40m...xD
Sunday, February 28, 2010
I din expect I would walk into that place at all. But coincidentally,I was drop on the other side of that place and I had to walked into that place to get to the other side where my dad would pick me there. It was the first time I walked into that place since the one and only outing I had with her during that particular time.
Walked into that place,I was so blur because I think I only went into this place once. But then,I
saw the food court where I had my lunch with her during that outing. Continue walking I was able to recognize which way to walk now. Walk walk walk...reached the cinema where I had also one and only movie with her during that particular time. Not to forget the big BR sign of course. Those memory around the cinema and BR are sweet and bitter.
Reached the place where my dad would pick me up. Strong wind is blowing. Wish that the wind can blow away all those bitter feeling away and leave only the sweet inside my heart.
Walked into that place,I was so blur because I think I only went into this place once. But then,I
saw the food court where I had my lunch with her during that outing. Continue walking I was able to recognize which way to walk now. Walk walk walk...reached the cinema where I had also one and only movie with her during that particular time. Not to forget the big BR sign of course. Those memory around the cinema and BR are sweet and bitter.
Reached the place where my dad would pick me up. Strong wind is blowing. Wish that the wind can blow away all those bitter feeling away and leave only the sweet inside my heart.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Wonderland that isn't wonderful anymore
The reality is always harsh
When I couldn't take it,I choose to be in my wonderland
But I just can't help that my wonderland isn't that wonderful anymore
How I wish I could back in time
Back to the place where everything was so wonderful
When I couldn't take it,I choose to be in my wonderland
But I just can't help that my wonderland isn't that wonderful anymore
How I wish I could back in time
Back to the place where everything was so wonderful
The past that won't repeat again. =(
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
CNY =)
CNY has passed,but that doesn't mean the spirit is over. We are in the mood to eat,collect angpaus n tv-ing rite guys n girls? xD
So overall,my CNY is nothing more than eating. Can't bear it. My aunt cook like at least 5 dishes per meal and I eat like at least 2 small bowl of rice per meal. Well,my stomach also shouting to me saying: stop stuffing food inside me wth. xD
Talking bout angpaus. Din collect alot. And I dun even know how many money I gt. When I received angpau,I din even check n gave to my mum asking her to keep it. Well,why would I check how many money I gt since I can always get money from my mum whenever I want?
A lot of shows during CNY. But mostly shown be4. It's just I never watch be4. In chinese show,well it's all bout mahjong. Nth new 1...==. Then eng show,ahaha...watch 2 James Bond show...1 is The World Is Not Enough n 2 is GoldenEye. Will be watching a 3 1 which is Tomorrow Never Dies later on 11p.m. =) I wish I am James Bond. =)
I guess tat's all for this post. Stay tune.
p.s. trying my very best to revive my blog. Hope you u all can support my blog...muahaha
So overall,my CNY is nothing more than eating. Can't bear it. My aunt cook like at least 5 dishes per meal and I eat like at least 2 small bowl of rice per meal. Well,my stomach also shouting to me saying: stop stuffing food inside me wth. xD
Talking bout angpaus. Din collect alot. And I dun even know how many money I gt. When I received angpau,I din even check n gave to my mum asking her to keep it. Well,why would I check how many money I gt since I can always get money from my mum whenever I want?
A lot of shows during CNY. But mostly shown be4. It's just I never watch be4. In chinese show,well it's all bout mahjong. Nth new 1...==. Then eng show,ahaha...watch 2 James Bond show...1 is The World Is Not Enough n 2 is GoldenEye. Will be watching a 3 1 which is Tomorrow Never Dies later on 11p.m. =) I wish I am James Bond. =)
I guess tat's all for this post. Stay tune.
p.s. trying my very best to revive my blog. Hope you u all can support my blog...muahaha
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Craziest party I ever attend.
Thanks so much to Sanjivyen for inviting me to your sweet 16 birthday party. =)
I never dance in front of anyone before. It all happened in his party.
Awesome party. xD
I never dance in front of anyone before. It all happened in his party.
Awesome party. xD
Just not the same anymore =(
It's hard to build a close relationship with someone who is just your normal fren. I guess it's even harder to maintain the once close relationship with your best fren now.
Once upon a time(I dunno since when it was the last time I used this xD),they're with me. But now I'm seperated with them. And things aren't just going to be the same anymore.
I'm being left out by them. You can barely find a person that walk with me to canteen during recess.
I'm tired of those sarcastism showed by you guys. It feels so annoying. It just make me feel you guys are rejecting me.
The wall that builded between me and you guys because of different class do no harm to you guys but only me. Because I'm the only one left out alone in a different class.
Once upon a time(I dunno since when it was the last time I used this xD),they're with me. But now I'm seperated with them. And things aren't just going to be the same anymore.
I'm being left out by them. You can barely find a person that walk with me to canteen during recess.
I'm tired of those sarcastism showed by you guys. It feels so annoying. It just make me feel you guys are rejecting me.
The wall that builded between me and you guys because of different class do no harm to you guys but only me. Because I'm the only one left out alone in a different class.
They just don't care about me =(
Well,since everyone is begging me to update my blog,I guess I'll just give them a treat n this blog another emo post.
I tried. I've tried so hard.
Yeah I know. I was wrong to not even accept my new classmates after being sorted out in the same class with them. And ok,like what everyone adviced me,I tried to suit myself with my classmates. Mix with them and try to socialise with them. But so far it doesn't appear to me that things are going to be better. Mayb it did get better. But only a little. Very little.
For me,making the 1st step to mix with them was seriously very hard. It feels like they just don't care about me unless I made the 1st step to mix with them. This feeling sucks to the max.
Eventhough I tried to mix with them,I feel I don't belong to them. It's like they accepting me because I'm a very pity and isolated person in the class.
I din mean to criticise you all in this post. I just want to tell that this is how I felt when being isolated in the class.
I guess for you guys,I was wrong in not seeing this in a positive way that you all are trying to accept me. But the moment being isolated in the class made me feel so emo.
Nonetheless,I still got to hang on in the class. I will and have to no matter what.
I guess I just need to try harder.
I tried. I've tried so hard.
Yeah I know. I was wrong to not even accept my new classmates after being sorted out in the same class with them. And ok,like what everyone adviced me,I tried to suit myself with my classmates. Mix with them and try to socialise with them. But so far it doesn't appear to me that things are going to be better. Mayb it did get better. But only a little. Very little.
For me,making the 1st step to mix with them was seriously very hard. It feels like they just don't care about me unless I made the 1st step to mix with them. This feeling sucks to the max.
Eventhough I tried to mix with them,I feel I don't belong to them. It's like they accepting me because I'm a very pity and isolated person in the class.
I din mean to criticise you all in this post. I just want to tell that this is how I felt when being isolated in the class.
I guess for you guys,I was wrong in not seeing this in a positive way that you all are trying to accept me. But the moment being isolated in the class made me feel so emo.
Nonetheless,I still got to hang on in the class. I will and have to no matter what.
I guess I just need to try harder.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Bad way to welcome back my new school term
I can't believe how 'lucky' I am to be placed in 4A. Satisfied with this class? NO. I made my feelings and point clear that I'm not satisfied with the class I placed at. It's just simply because I'm the only one left out in my gang(Ming,Sean and Teo all in B class),and I can't accept this. We passed through PMR year with great success and I would certainly like and want to continue staying with them till SPM.
Some ppl might say I'm very unfriendly because why can't I make new close friends with others? Ya...I'm not ready to make new close friends. Certainly I feel comfortable staying with my gang because I'm not gonna risk anything for SPM. I feel it's the best for me to stay with them and I pray to God that the school will allow my permission to switch class to 4B.
Some ppl might say I'm very unfriendly because why can't I make new close friends with others? Ya...I'm not ready to make new close friends. Certainly I feel comfortable staying with my gang because I'm not gonna risk anything for SPM. I feel it's the best for me to stay with them and I pray to God that the school will allow my permission to switch class to 4B.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Ups and Downs
Well,it's 2010 already. A whole new year begins today. For me,everything back to square one,everything starts from zero. No matter what's happened in the past.
To reflect back on 2009,well the title says it all. (thinking what to write......) For me,2009 was like I went through almost everything in life. 2009 was completely different from all the years that I went through. During this year,I've lost myself. First, thanks to the pressure of having to face so many exams. From the begining of 2009,I've constantly putting pressure on myself to live up to my 2009 main resolutions,that is to score straight As for PMR. Well,billioon of thanks to God,lady luck,my family,teachers and friends,I managed to do just that. Well,honestly I'm not really proud of this success. It is this PMR that made me lost myself,my confidence,my hapiness and so on. I guess because of this PMR,I din really get to really enjoy my life this year. Everyone's been saying I'm putting unnecessary pressure on myself causing me to lose the fun of enjoying life. Well,I think it's just a little too hard for me to enjoy my life with the pressure of having to do well in exam in the back of my mind. And yes,I think besides my family and my friends,my life is all about exam as a student rite now.
(thinking what more to write) Well,thx to HER,for the later part of 2009,my mental strength has improve so much. I feel thankful,because I managed to change one of my weakness into one of my strength. I hope this can help me for SPM and for the rest of my life. Thanks for everything. =)
Well,during 2009,I doubt of myself in so many things. Am I really just a person who knows nth in life except exam? Do I have attitude problems in treating certain things? Can I be a independent person in my life? I guess going into 2010,I just have to leave all these doubts behind and start a brand new year.I guess it's time to talk some good memories in 2009. Well,reflect back 2009,although it's such a suffering year for me,thr's still some good memories to reflect. How memorable is this to suffer this year with all the bunch of my frens? We shared laughter in the class,we rushed to tuition together,we discussed about studies in a gang,we argued because of different opinions,we angry at each other n forgive each other,we enjoyed life together after PMR and etc. I guess all these just help us to understand each other better(whether in a good or bad way). Honestly,ladies and gentlemen,THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING. lols.
And now,let's begin 2010 together(again...of coz...lame) and may each and everyone of us have another memorable years like 2009!!!
To reflect back on 2009,well the title says it all. (thinking what to write......) For me,2009 was like I went through almost everything in life. 2009 was completely different from all the years that I went through. During this year,I've lost myself. First, thanks to the pressure of having to face so many exams. From the begining of 2009,I've constantly putting pressure on myself to live up to my 2009 main resolutions,that is to score straight As for PMR. Well,billioon of thanks to God,lady luck,my family,teachers and friends,I managed to do just that. Well,honestly I'm not really proud of this success. It is this PMR that made me lost myself,my confidence,my hapiness and so on. I guess because of this PMR,I din really get to really enjoy my life this year. Everyone's been saying I'm putting unnecessary pressure on myself causing me to lose the fun of enjoying life. Well,I think it's just a little too hard for me to enjoy my life with the pressure of having to do well in exam in the back of my mind. And yes,I think besides my family and my friends,my life is all about exam as a student rite now.
(thinking what more to write) Well,thx to HER,for the later part of 2009,my mental strength has improve so much. I feel thankful,because I managed to change one of my weakness into one of my strength. I hope this can help me for SPM and for the rest of my life. Thanks for everything. =)
Well,during 2009,I doubt of myself in so many things. Am I really just a person who knows nth in life except exam? Do I have attitude problems in treating certain things? Can I be a independent person in my life? I guess going into 2010,I just have to leave all these doubts behind and start a brand new year.I guess it's time to talk some good memories in 2009. Well,reflect back 2009,although it's such a suffering year for me,thr's still some good memories to reflect. How memorable is this to suffer this year with all the bunch of my frens? We shared laughter in the class,we rushed to tuition together,we discussed about studies in a gang,we argued because of different opinions,we angry at each other n forgive each other,we enjoyed life together after PMR and etc. I guess all these just help us to understand each other better(whether in a good or bad way). Honestly,ladies and gentlemen,THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING. lols.
And now,let's begin 2010 together(again...of coz...lame) and may each and everyone of us have another memorable years like 2009!!!
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