So he was talking bout reproduction of amoeba sp. amoeba reproduce by binary bission under favourable conditions. those conditions are:
1) presence of food
2) presence of oxygen
3) high humidity
4) low temperature
5) neutral pH
6) low intensity of light
amoeba is an animal cell. same goes to human but human it's a complex organisms. continue reading i bet u will laugh like mad if u can imagine u're in the class.
1) human needs food to reproduce so sperm cells have energy to swim
2) human needs oxygen during sexual intercourse. (obviously)
3) high humidity...better still on the air-cond during sexual intercourse( 1st dirty jokes)
4) low temperature(almost same like 3)
5) neutral ph because sperm cell will die if it's not neutral
6) MOST IMPORTANT of all conditions...low intensity of light...boy switch off the light pls...
one guy switch off the light. then he said:
ahhh...just nice(imagine the classroom has low intensity of light)...suitable light intensity for sexual intercourse
wth i tell u guys...the whole class laugh like mad. this jokes above are so dirty that it create imagination in my mind(well i'm a hamsup fella wth).
thr's 1 more minor jokes here which also make me laugh:
donald: exchange of gas occurs in frog's skin because frog's skin is moisture which is suitable for diffusion of gases. u guys try to take a frog n wipe away its mucus on it's body. the frog will have problem carrying respiration. when the frog is suffering n goin to die,the frog will struggle n SHOWS MIDDLE FINGLE TO YOU.

see...frog really likes to show middle finger to ppl...Kurang ajar rite? AHAHAHAHA
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