I am little surprised myself that I managed to find time to update my blog so early in the semester. Thought I would begin to get busy living my university life starting on the first day of the semester itself but I found myself unable to proceed with my ECA work without the meeting minutes yet. So, I decided to write this post before I go for my afternoon sleep.
Yesterday was my last day of the sem break and I feel rather satisfied with the way it ended. Woke up around 10am and began revising and preparing the things for my HGC division meeting in the afternoon. Got a few last minute ideas that were helpful for the meeting during the preparation and then I went for lunch with my university friend, Khai Hong. After the lunch, I was back in my room and catching up some NBA highlights while waiting for the meeting at 3pm. During the wait, I got a sudden idea and took one of my sub-comm's advice on how to bond my division. I decided to give a little personal birthday surprise to two of my sub-comms, Joey and Maybel during the meeting and bought two slices of cake.
The meeting started at 3pm when everyone has arrived. At the beginning, it was rather I-talk-and-they-listen as I gave out some information about the club's events for this semester. After that, we got into discussion about our division event this semester: the religious trail. Overall, I was very satisfied with this part of the discussion because everyone is involved in giving and sharing ideas. The meeting ended in just about 1.5 hours and I think the meeting went very well considering we managed to come out with ideas on how to carry out our event. Oh, by the way, the little birthday surprise treat by me came during the middle of the discussion, which is not ideal because I wrongly estimated the time that the meeting will end and the cake was eaten after the discussion ended. Haha xD

Happy belated birthday to Joey and Maybel
After the meeting, Khai Hong and I went to play basketball at SRC. Do a little refereeing during the time we played. By the time we stopped playing, we had missed dinner time and I elected to drink just a cup of cereal while waiting for the maggie supper session with my mother OG, Cerberus.
It felt good to see several of my closer friends in university after several weeks of break. And of course I ate a lot considering I did not have a proper dinner beforehand. Haha very unhealthy as my first two dinner back in Singapore are also maggies. During that time, we also gave a belated birthday surprise to Khai Hong as those of us present sign a basketball and gave him as a present.

The supper session ended with us playing Black Jacks and we had fun even though we did not gamble (not allow in hostel! xD). Slept at about 3.30am and the aftermath is I woke up late thinking I'm gonna be late for the 9.30am lecture but was taken by surprise that the lecture actually start at 10.30am. Damn should have sleep more and though I did not dozed off during the lecture, my body is feeling tired now. xD
It seemed like just another normal day in university life yesterday but it got me into a good mood to start this semester. Hopefully I am able to stay positive and tough during this semester which will undoubtedly be the most difficult semester yet.
Till the next time and time for my afternoon nap. Zzzz...
Signing off,
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