For the pleasure of your ears =)

Sunday, April 20, 2014

A little of this, a little of that

Ya, as the title of this post suggests, I am going to talk a little bit of this and that in my mind that I feel to talk about. But before I begin, screw the feeling of wanting to write a decent and lengthy post. It just spoils the mood to blog(serve as a reminder to ignore this feeling the next time I feel like blogging).

University plan
2014 started well as far as my university planning goes. I got a decent results and received offers from several UK universities(3 to be exact). I thought these could perhaps serve as the catalyst for more greater things to come. It got me excited and determined to start looking for scholarships to apply. But it turns out that I am perhaps a little too naive to feel good so early about the prospect of study in oversea. What was to follow is a mixture of good and bad. The good things are getting my NUS, NTU and some scholarshio applications done as well as another offer from University of Nottingham Malaysia campus. The reason I see these as 'good' is that sometimes it feels annoying doing all these applications because there are so many details to fill in just to get it done.

The bad things started with when my application for Imperial College London was rejected. I was really hoping I could get it because I feel it might increase the prospect of getting a scholarship if I receive offer from a top university. And there the floodgate opened. I began to feel frustrated when I was applying scholarships, mainly because it requires me to write essay. As it has been such a long time since I last wrote a decent essay, the task of writing out the essay and get the application done before the deadline gave me a lot of stress. Although I got help from friends giving opinions and checking out my essays, it took a lot of effort from myself just to put a decent draft for the essay so they could help me in any capacity they can. Grateful for that, guys. Oh, not to forget all those pimples that popped out thanks to the stress from completing scholarship applications.

Perhaps the eagerness to do anything that I could in order to realise my dream of study in UK slowly gives way to reality. The catalyst of this feeling is when I decided to give up on the Khazanah scholarship. The essay(did I mention the frustration of writing essay for scholarship applications?) for this scholarship is just too tough for my ability to even get a draft out. The pimples that pop out do not make things positive to persevere. I was mentally tired and frustrated that I have to do so much compared to others in the aspect of going oversea to study. And also, the idea of giving up on the Khazanah scholarship when I had done so much to achieve my dream kills me because it goes against what I desire and why I persevere till now.

The only comfort in the midst of all these is my mother's love for me. She saw how much I work and sacrifice to achieve what I desire. I am just so glad that she agrees that I could go study in Singapore as long as my application is accepted, whether got financial aid or not. Even if the study abroad plan does not go well, she also let me to further my study in University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus.

All I can do now is just wait and pray. 

Working life
Lets begin with a summary of my current working profile. I am currently working as a part time admin assistant in Agile Solution Sdn Bhd and also PC Mart Sdn Bhd which specialise in business softwares. For those who wonder how or why I work in two companies, these two companies have the same boss and I am just doing identical tasks. Tasks include calling customer to renew service support for their softwares and chasing payment(ya in some way you can put is as 'legal' dai ye lon).

As time goes on, unavoidably I start to feel a little boring because I sort of lose the excitement of working when I become used to what I should do. Some suggests to me perhaps change to another part-time job to get rid of this boredom. But consider the pay is pretty good(RM7/hour) and transport convenience from home to working place, I am quite content with continuing this job till I start my university life. I guess I just have to take it as a practice to the future working life of my career.

 Working selfie. ;)To put the finishing touch, it still feel disappointing looking at the length and contents in this post. Consequence of not writing consistently since my secondary school life I guess. Well, at least I managed to clear some dusts of this blog.

By the way, I just have to include this. Got a new basketball shoe from my second elder brother. I was planning to buy it using the salary I earned but since he's generous enough in giving me as a present(sort of), I guess it's better to save the money for my living costs in my university life.

It looks really shiny eh? =D